As promised the final trial was the most difficult to endure for Kirill. But he had no other choice as to endure excruciating torments in waiting of the Master’s good will for his debt to be written off.
You will have 15 minutes 4K video of Waiter Kirill naked and stretched suspended above candles and then poured by hot wax, spiked roller tormented and flogged.
This video is available at https://www.watchfighters.com/channels/captivesworld
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Wow, I love those roasting over a tray of candles and then lowering almost to the flames. I think he could have gone a bit lower and the guard could have gone away and come back.
And love the tilting of the tray to drip loads of wax on his body. Please next time can a few candles drop onto his torso. And can the whipping be harder please.